My topic for the discussion is simply, what examples can you share where your mind made up a reality that seemed at the time to be valid, but later turned out to be way off with some unexpected consequences?
Here is a bit of the theory, I am refining and developing it more over time.
Virtual Reality
Even stating those two words is an oxymoron that for me conjures up a feeling of confusion. At the most basic definition these two words should not exist as a combined concept, due to the fact that the definition of each term is conflicting if not fully negating.Virtual : The term has been defined in philosophy as "that which is not real" but may display the salient qualities of the real. (
Reality : The state of things as they actually exist, rather than as they may appear or may be thought to be. ( )
Or simply stated that which is not real is real.
How is it that we can create a virtual space that becomes real space, when everything generated inside a computer is the result of the processing a string of binary digits?

I define the term SHIT as “Supposed Human Intellectual Truth”. Or if preferred, the perceptions formed in our brains as individuals about our life and ourselves based on our genes, our environment and our experiences.
Basically, the biggest problem with humans individually, and humanity as a species, is that we tend to believe that the SHIT we make up is real, when it is only a representation of what we “think” is real based on some very limited human senses.
The fundamental concept of harmonious humanity is that our positive or negative interactions in life has to do with how well my SHIT matches your SHIT. The ongoing saga of the ME is a process where mental pathways are constantly being created from our experiences, combined with our current SHIT which then becomes our new SHIT.

I also believe that most humans are unable to support their own SHIT, sometimes just ask yourself why you believe some of your SHIT, and you may well find you are not sure, but that topic is far too broad for this article space, so I will conclude this serving for now.
Here is my sincere hope that life throws you some good SHIT.
Any comments are welcome however if you would like to share some of your experiences, my offereing of a comment thread for the discussion is simply, what examples can you share where your mind made up a reality that seemed, at the time, to be valid, but later turned out to be erroneous SHIT?
Of course we must recognize the recursive properties of SHIT...this idea itself is just SHIT you made up. That said, the most valuable and fundamental idea is that we recognize that everything is just SHIT we make up; once we recognize that, we can revel in it! It's certainly one of the things we humans do best!
ReplyDeleteThere is no argument in that analysis, may you continue to acknowledge your propensity toward cutting through the SHIT.
ReplyDeleteInteresting idea Laz, but it flounders on a common misconception, namely that Truth and Reality are absolute and quantifiable (evinced by the first ME: The ME I am. There is no such ME except in the daydreams of Plato).
ReplyDeleteHumans are not full of SHIT, they are burdened with CRAP (Conceptual Reality as Axiomatic Principle). Reality is no more than a model, a construct deciphered by the senses to make sense of the world. Truth is not universal but local—nations war over conflicting truths, churches espouse alternative truths from their pulpits, the colour blind are immersed in a different truth. And reality is as ephemeral as subatomic species choosing to be a wave or a particle on the basis of who is watching.
Sadly, the ME that awoke this morning was not the ME that took to bed last night - the depths of my being are filled with a different CRAP.
Ahhh some truth there Alia, but there is a ME I am, defined physically and through actions, but not through the filters of any other conceptualizer as that indeed would just be CRAP. I do not think that ME is quantifiable, I should have just said that the ME that just IS, because, like Zen, once you try to define it, you are no longer able to experience it.